What You Should Know About Dried Out Mold

Dried out mold refers to mold that has lost its moisture and become dry and powdery. It can still pose health risks and should be handled with caution. Here are some things you should know about dried out mold:

  1. Dried out mold can still release spores into the air, which can cause allergic reactions and other health problems.

  2. Dried out mold can be more difficult to detect than active mold, as it is often hidden in cracks, crevices, and behind walls.

  3. Dried out mold can still cause structural damage to your home, as it can weaken and rot wood and other building materials.

  4. Dried out mold can be cleaned up using a HEPA-filtered vacuum or a damp cloth, but it is important to wear protective gear, such as a mask, gloves, and goggles.

  5. Dried out mold should be removed by a professional mold remediation company, as they have the equipment and expertise to safely remove it and prevent it from returning.

  6. It is important to address the source of moisture that caused the mold growth in order to prevent it from returning.

Dried out mold should be taken seriously and handled with care, as it can still pose health risks and cause damage to your home. It is always best to contact a professional mold remediation company to safely and effectively remove it.